
Oftentimes, we fall into both a producer and a procrastinator category in our lives. What we need to know is that being a procrastinator is not something good and once we realize the state we're in, we have to stand back up and become a producer again. That will make sure that the results we're getting are aligned with the vision we're creating.

I had a chance to listen to a one-hour teleseminar by Johnny Wimbrey recently and managed to jot down a few points for the readers to benefit. The topic matched nicely with the points that we're discussing here.

What are the 7 critical distinctions between a producer and a procrastinator$%:

Useful statements

Here are a few points Johnny Wimbrey talked about.

1. A Producer Is A Winner But A Procrastinator Is A Whiner.

Producers have a winning mindset. They eat, sleep and breathe winning possibility. These are the people who surround themselves around other winners. They allow themselves to be mentored by other successful people, and they become students for life. If there are any problems, they know that they themselves are bigger than the problems they face.

Procrastinators have stinking thinking and always look at things in a negative perspective. They focus on personal and external limitations. When there is a problem, they whine, cry and question everything in life. They don't seek advice and are not interested to be mentored by other successful people.

2. A Producer Is Responsive But A Procrastinator Is Reactive.

Response is the root of responsibility. This is the quality of a producer. Being responsive means that producers control circumstances and they think before taking action.

Procrastinators, on the other hand, react to circumstances. They act without thought. When something happens, they can become panic and lose control. This leads to more bad circumstances in life.

3. A Producer IS Optimistic But A Procrastinator Is Pessimistic.

Producers address challenges in life effectively. They understand that there will be hard time and although nobody likes hard time in life, producers are always prepared to face circumstances. They see through the clouds and believe that there is always sunshine.

Procrastinators run from challenges. In fact, they don't like facing them. They are fearful and when challenges arise, they feel stressed as if they couldn't charge through hell in life.

4. A Producer Takes Risk But A Procrastinator Makes Wishes.

Risk takers create moment of possibility through invested time, money and energy in their dreams. Producers know that they have to be 'sacrificial' and give something up so that they can get up in life. They don't know what tomorrow will bring but they are ready to face the unknown.

Procrastinators hope for the moment of possibility. They wish that their dreams come true and become content and comfortable. They fear the unknown and are not ready to step out of their comfort zone. In the end, they stay where they are with the unfulfilled wishes.

5. A Producer Has Visions But A Procrastinator Has Only Illusions.

Producers have faith in their decisions. They see obstacle and see through it. They know that they will get their goals with their actions. That's why producers are firm believers in goal setting. They start their journey now and don't delay.

Procrastinators want their results based on sight, meaning that they have to see the results first before taking action. That is why there's always lots of reasons why they do not get started at something. What they do is only inventing obstacle that does not exist in the first place.

6. A Producer Has Preparation But A Procrastinator Has Improvision.

Producers are always prepared and they inspect what they expect. For example, if they have speaking engagement, they will make sure that everything like research on topic, target audience and appropriate content is taken care of. And, they will make sure that what they expect to deliver will satisfy the audience. Then, they stay on plan.

Procrastinators don't expect to be successful. Whatever happens will happen and they keep on hoping that their wishes come true. They move by emotion and after information.

7. A Producer Execute But A Procrastinator Makes Excuses In Life.

Producers have an attitude that they MUST be successful. They will implement and execute the right principals to reach their goals. In order for them to be successful, they will participate in anything that will lead them to their goals. Producers also have a sense of urgency in what they do and they begin with an end in mind.

Procrastinators, however, just have justifications. They will justify for any reasons why they fail in life. They WANT to be successful but don't think that they MUST be successful. It leads them to postpone their action because of their dead-end mind says so.

To summarize, I have to admit that these 7 critical distinctions between a producer and a procrastinator are a reminder for you and me. We will fall in one of these two categories in life, but we have to realize it quickly and align ourselves with the producer mindset.

Let me close by what Johnny Wimbrey said in his teleseminar.

"I WANT You To Be Successful But I MUST Be Successful".

Let's all have this quote embedded in our mind at all time.

    創作者 bhwmalachi 的頭像


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